
Renewable Energy
Multiple sources of renewable energy and their related programs can be found across the U.S., including solar, wind, geothermal, hydropower and biomass. Each source has pros and cons. At The Blackledge Group we help our clients quantify their renewable energy needs and understand the process involved when implementing renewable energy programs.
Our services include assessments, incentives, site selection, design, permitting, procurement and construction oversight of solar and renewable power generation projects. We also have the expertise to design, construct and manage micro-grids and community solar programs.
Design Build
The Blackledge Group personnel have many years of design-build experience in both the construction and environmental contract worlds. We believe this delivery method is an excellent tool for our clients. The design-build approach allows the client the ability to contract with us as the sole point of responsibility for the both the design phase and construction phases of the project. The Blackledge Group successfully orchestrates the design and construction team from the start of the project through completion and closeout. Our team works in partnership with the client to ensure that the mission goals are met within budget and on time. This creates a cohesion and collaboration between all parties that builds trust. Trust is one of the foundation blocks that The Blackledge Group looks to build with every relationship we establish.

Vertical Construction
Our team has constructed many types of vertical construction projects. The teams expertise covers a range of vertical construction types. Our in house certified general contractor began his career in the vertical construction world. He has a thorough understanding of all the processes and planning needed to successfully execute a complete project from the ground up. The Blackledge Group team brings the following areas of experience to The Blackledge Group:
- Pre-engineered Metal Building Erection
- Concrete Tilt-Panel Construction
- CMU/Masonry Construction
- Wood Framed Construction
- Metal Framed Construction
- Aids to Navigations Towers (Range Lights)
The work experience from our team includes both private and public work. Much of the recent experience is working with federal clients to achieve their mission goals.
Design Bid Build
As part of our successful construction divisions portfolio, we have experience in pursuing and winning projects that are fully designed, put out to bid, awarded, and constructed. This requires a slightly different approach than design-build but building trust with this delivery method is of equal importance to the successful completion of the project. With the design-bid-build method, in lieu of having all the design team under The Blackledge Group’s contract, we work with the outside designer to meet the needs of our mutual client. The end goal is the same, meet the mission needs and execute the project to completion. Our team will carefully review the design package at the point of RFP, ask key Pre-Proposal Inquiries during the bidding process, provide competitive and technically complete proposals, and upon award, expeditiously execute the work in accordance with completed design.

As part of our construction capabilities, The Blackledge Group has the resources to provide demolition services. This includes both selective demolition and complete demolition. Our environmental team works with our construction team to complete any and all required hazardous material assessment, abatement and remediation prior to the demolition. We are able to provide these complete services in house; minimizing the excuses or blame-shifting that may be had when there are multiple entities involved with the demolition process. Our team’s trained eyes know what to look for in regard to environmental concerns, proper and safe approach to the demolition process, and correct disposal methods. Our team has experience in the following types of demolition:
- Complete building demolition including assessment and remediation of hazardous materials
- Foundation demolition and removal
- Selective Demolition, including slab cutting & removal, wall partitions, flooring, wall tile, ACT ceilings, drywall ceilings, concrete and block cutouts, etc.
- HVAC System Evacuation and Demolition
- Selective Electrical System Demolition
- Aids To Navigation range tower removal
Civil Construction
Whether it’s striping a parking lot, replacing a box culvert on a National Wildlife Refuge road, slope remediation to prevent the side of a hill from failing, or developing a 50 acre multi use site, The Blackledge Group team has the experience to execute your civil construction project. Our team has experience in numerous types of civil construction projects including, wetland restoration, site clearing, rough grading, fine grading, site prep for building pads, installed underground sanitary sewer systems, stormwater sewer systems, paving of parking lots and access roads, and installation of striping and signage. Because of that experience and knowledge, we understand the particular elements and requirements when performing horizontal construction projects. Our people have worked with a number of key civil subcontractors on the eastern seaboard and gained valuable experience to allow The Blackledge Group the ability to manage and execute these types of construction projects.
Sustainment, Restoration, and Modernization (SRM) Construction

Sustainability is one of the core components to The Blackledge group’s mission statement. As such, we believe we have a unique perspective on the approach to SRM construction. As buildings, roads, infrastructure age, there are questions that must be asked in how to best handle these types of projects. Those questions are based upon safety, building life cycle, cost, and mission needs. Our team can help provide answers to those questions and offer strategies to best meet the needs of our client. Much of the federal work experience that our people bring to The Blackledge Group are SRM projects. Our federal facilities are aging and need to be addressed with the most conscientious approach.
The facilities must be safe from hazardous materials that were used in the original construction and our team has the know how to assess and remediate those hazards. The building may need to remain in service for another 20 years, and we can evaluate the life cycle to determine the systems that need to be addressed to meet the needs of those 20 years. The project is most likely limited by cost, and we have years of knowledge to evaluate costs and determine whether they are fair and reasonable. Finally, many of the facilities must remain in use for the mission to continue, and The Blackledge Group has the knowledge and experience to complete work in occupied facilities.